
Showing posts from July, 2018

otseca - Other Security Awareness

DumpsterDiver - Tool to search secrets in various filetypes.

PhpSploit: Furtive post-exploitation framework

AutoSQLi - the new way script-kiddies hack websites

WhatWaf - Detect and bypass web application firewalls and protection systems

The Rogue Toolkit

Seeker - Find GeoLocation with High Accuracy

CMSeeK - CMS (Content Management Systems) Detection and Exploitation suite

Security Monkey

AWS Lambda - IAM Access Key Disabler

Hindsight - Internet history forensics for Google Chrome/Chromium

Camelishing - Social Engineering Tool

NETworkManager - A powerful tool for managing networks and troubleshoot network problems!

Cara Mengecek Kesehatan Harddisk Menggunakan Harddisk Sentinel

Cara Menginstal Theme Anime Windows 7 Secara FULL

Cara Mengganti Nama File dan Folder Menggunakan Advanced Renamer

Cara Mendapatkan Domain .me Secara GRATIS Menggunakan Email Edu

Cara Mendapatkan Hosting GRATIS selama 3 Bulan Di JagoanHosting

Grok-backdoor - Simple python backdoor with Ngrok tunnel support

tinfoleak - The most complete open-source tool for Twitter intelligence analysis

Massive NSE (Nmap Scripting Engine) AutoSploit and AutoScanner

Infection Monkey - An automated pentest tool

Ares - Python botnet and backdoor

Car Backdoor Maker

Steganography Toolkit - Collection of steganography tools - helps with CTF challenges

Fuxi-Scanner - Network Security Vulnerability Scanner

CookieCatcher - Session Hijacker Tools

EagleEye - Find their Instagram, FB and Twitter Profiles using Image Recognition and Reverse Image Search.

Guasap Forensic - WhatsApp Forensic Tool

Windows Hacking Pack

injectify - Perform advanced MiTM attacks on websites with ease

ph0neutria malware crawler

pureblood - A Penetration Testing Framework created for Hackers / Pentester / Bug Hunter

LogonTracer - Investigate malicious Windows logon by visualizing and analyzing Windows event log

Memoro: A Detailed Heap Profiler

WebKiller - Tool Information Gathering Write With Python

Black Owl - a simple tool to gather information, based on Operative-Framework

Cara Memasang SSL Pada Website menggunakan Cloudflare